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For most foreign and domestic investors, questions relating to land are top in the list of most frequently asked questions.  While foreign investors are often concerned “how to obtain land use rights” for the project implementation and are often confused by the various complicated steps to be taken from identifying the location to “acquire” what is called the land use rights, domestic investors concerns more about the capital contribution in form of land use right. Domestic developers/investors wonder in which case they should relinquish the land to the State “land compensation package” and in which case, contribution of land use right to a new company should be more suitable.

Our lawyers, with substantial first hand experience in the most complicated property transaction, could provide you with not only clear answers to your above questions but also the help to structure the transaction and build strategy for the best interests of our client .

Where our foreign clients consider financing a local partner to acquire the land use rights for a common project together with the local partner, we could assist clients to structure the arrangement to secure their legitimate interests.



We also act for Vietnamese investors who possess land use rights over a desirable site and wish to explore opportunity to partner with other well resourced finance company.